Dr. David N. Bailey, M.D.
Distinguished Professor of Pathology and Pharmacy, Emeritus
Deputy Dean, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Vice Chair for Education and Academic Affairs (Pathology)
Human Resources
Lydia Heidt (formerly Napa)
Dr. Bailey's past research has focused on development of analytical methodology for measuring drugs and drug metabolites; on the binding of drugs to human tissues; and on the percutaneous absorption of drugs with particular emphasis on psychotropic drugs and drugs of abuse. Dr. Bailey no longer has a research laboratory.
Education: B.S in Chemistry (1967) Indiana University; M.D. (1973) Yale; Postdoctoral Fellow (1973-1975) and Resident (1975-1977) Yale.
Awards and Honors (Selected): Gerald Evans Award for Outstanding Leadership and Service (Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists), Regent Edward Dickson Professorship Award (UC San Diego Emeriti Association), Presidential Commentation for Service (UC Office of the President), Top Ten Most Cited Authors in Forensic Sciences (Science Watch, 1981-93), Conference Rooms Named in My Honor
Leadership Experience: Chair, Dept. of Pathology UCSD (1986-2001); Interim Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences and Dean, School of Medicine UCSD (1999-2000 and 2006-07); Deputy Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences and Dean, Faculty and Student Matters UCSD (2001-2006); Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs and Dean, School of Medicine UCI (2007-2009); Deputy Dean, Skaggs School of Pharmacy & Pharm. Sci. UCSD (2010 – present); Vice Chair for Education and Academic Affairs (Pathology) UCSD (2010 - present); President, California Association of Toxicologists (1981-1982); President, Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians & Scientists (1988-1989); Secretary-Treasurer, Association for Academic Pathology (1996-1999); Chair, Senior Fellows Group, Association for Academic Pathology (2021-present).
- Reported the binding of cocaethylene and other cocaine homologs to human serum proteins and tissues
- Reported serum concentrations and developed profiles of toxicity related to drug concentrations for a number of psychotropic drugs in various patient populations
- Reported percutaneous absorption of a number of drugs of abuse
- Bailey et al. (1989). Cocaine-and methamphetamine-related deaths in San Diego County (1987): homicides and accidental overdoses. J. Forensic Sci. 34:407-22.
- Bailey et al. (1990). Detection of isopropanol in acetonomic patients not exposed to isopropanol. J. Toxicol Clin. Toxicol. 28:459-466.
- Bailey et al. (1992). Interaction of tricyclic antidepressants with cholestyramine in vitro. Ther. Drug Monit. 14:339-342.
- Bailey (1995). Cocapropylene (propylcocaine) formation by human liver in vitro. J Anal Toxicol. 19: 1-4.
- Bailey (1996). Comprehensive review of cocaethylene and cocaine concentrations in patients. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 106:701-706.
- Bailey (1997). Cocaine and cocaethylene binding to human placenta in vitro. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 177: 527-531.
- Bailey et al (2003). Procainamide and quinidine inhibition of the human hepatic degradation of meperidine in vitro. J. Anal. Toxicol. 27:142-144.
- Bailey et al (2005). Studies of the inhibition of human pseudocholinesterase activity in vitro by commonly used drugs. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 124:226-228.
- Bailey et al (2005). The effect of lovastatin and thioridazine on the degradation of cocaine in human serum in vitro. Ther. Drug Monit. 27:168-170.
- Bailey et al (2016). Life after being a pathology department chair: issues and opportunities. Acad. Pathol. Volume 3:1-8. DOI: 1177/2374289516673651.
- Bailey et al (2017). Life after being a pathology department chair II: lessons learned. Acad. Pathol. Volume 4: 1-6. DOI: 1177/2374289517733734.
- Bailey et al (2019. Life after being a pathology department chair III: Reflections on the "Afterlife". Acad. Pathol. Volume 6: 1-6. DOI: 10.1177/2374289519846068.
- Bailey et al (2019). Serving as a temporary pathology chair: boon or boondoggle? Acad. Pathol. Volume 6: 1-5. DOI: 10.1177/2374289519877547.
- Bailey et al (2020). The Veterans Affairs Healthcare System and academic pathology departments: evaluation of the relationship. Acad. Pathol. 7: 1-8. DOI: 1177/2374289520939265.
- Bailey et al (2021). Generating discretionary income in an academic department of pathology. Acad. Pathol. 8: 1-7 (2021). DOI: 10.1177/237428955211044811.
- Bailey et al (2022). Communication during a global pandemic: the utility of a professional society listserv and journal. Acad. Pathol. 9:1-6. DOI: 10.org/10.1016/j.acpath.2022.100043
- Bailey et al (2022). Career transitions: reflections of former chairs and academic health center leaders. Acad. Pathol. 9:1-3. DOI:10.1016/j.acpath.2022.100037
- Sanfilippo F, Pomeroy C, Bailey DN. Lead, Inspire, Thrive: A Handbook for Medical School Department Chairs (and Other Leaders). Springer. 2023. ISBN 978-3-031-41176-2.
- Bailey DN, Fitzgerald. Clinical Chemistry: A Practical Learning and Teaching Toolkit. Springer. 2024. ISBN 978-3-031-67379-5.