January 14-15, 2016
From Toxins to Therapeutics: A Symposium in Honor of Palmer Taylor – Scientist, Scholar, Mentor, and Dean
The UC San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (SSPPS) is pleased to host "From Toxins to Therapeutics: A Symposium in Honor of Palmer Taylor – Scientist, Scholar, Mentor, and Dean" on January 14 – 15, 2016, at the SSPPS Health Sciences Education Center auditorium in the lower level of the Pharmaceutical Sciences Building (PSB). The symposium will celebrate the remarkable contributions of Palmer Taylor (Founding Dean, 2002 – 2014) and will feature a number of distinguished colleagues of his from around the world (please see the symposium program for details).
Your donation can help defer the costs of this prestigious symposium celebrating Palmer Taylor.