Jon Christopher Armour, M.D., Ph.D.
Jazmine Phillips
(858) 822-5144
Dr. Armour’s research has focused on the development of artificial organs, design and development of implantable sensors, closed-loop insulin delivery systems for diabetics, and the physiology of subcutaneous tissue. Over the past decade, his research has primarily focused on educational study design strategies, optimizing teaching strategies, and educational innovations in the classroom.
Dr. Armour is the Co-Director of the SSPPS “Team-Based Learning Program”, “Pharmacy Topics in Endocrinology” – SPPS 239/289, and conducts the “Physiology Review for Pharmacy Students”. Over the course of his career, Dr. Armour has made many notable contributions to UC San Diego, School of Pharmacy, the Division of Biological Sciences, School of Medicine, and the Department of Applied Bioengineering Laboratory. He has enjoyed mentoring both undergraduate and graduate students and teaching pharmacy and medical students.
UC San Diego, Revelle College, B.S. Bioengineering (1976-1980), UC San Diego, School of Medicine, M.D. Medicine (1080-1990), UC San Diego, Ph.D Applied Mechanics and Engineering Sciences (1983-1988), Physiology Review for Pharmacy Students - SPPSI 220
Awards and Honors:
Outstanding Science Faculty Award (Revelle College, UCSD) 1996, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2010, 2016
Outstanding Teaching Award (Warren College, UCSD) 1996, 2009
Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award (Roosevelt College, UCSD) 1997
Most Valuable Professor Award (Muir College, UCSD) 1997
Outstanding Science Faculty Award (Revelle College, UCSD) 1998, 1999
Outstanding Teaching Award (Warren College, UCSD) 1998
Golden Apple Award - Golden Key Honor Society 1999
Barbara J. and Paul D. Saltman Distinguished Teaching Award (UCSD) 2000
Outstanding Faculty Award (Sixth College, UCSD) 2010
Most Dedicated Professor Award (Biological Sciences Student Association) 2012
Outstanding Professor Award (UCSD Panhellenic Greek Community) 2013
Outstanding Faculty Award (Thurgood Marshall College, UCSD) 2013
Excellence in Teaching Award (UCSD School of Pharmacy) 2014
MESRE Award for outstanding poster presentation of education research in medical education (Western Group on Education Affairs), 2015
Outstanding Presentation Award (International Association of Medical Science Educators) 2015
Pharmacy Topics in Endocrinology (SPPS 289)
In collaboration with Lucisan JY, McKean BD, Gough DA, patent for a complete glucose monitoring system with an implantable, telemetered sensor module.
Research experience at the LSOE: Division of Biological Sciences include: Exam design, Standard setting, TBL program design and evaluation, Student study strategies, Long-term retention, Optimizing teaching strategies.
- Schneid SD; Pashler H; Armour C, “How Much Basic Science Content Do Second-Year Medical Students Remember From Their First Year?”, Medical Teacher, (2018).
- Armour C; Schneid SD; Brandl K, “Writing on the Board as Students’ Preferred Teaching Modality in a Physiology Course”, Advances in Physiology Education, 40 (2016), 229-233
- Schneid SD; Armour C; Bazzo D; Ramsdell J, “Comparison of “No” and “Random Guess” Judgment Selections by Primary Care Faculty Using a Modified Angoff Method”, Medical, Science Educator, 26 (2016), 7-8
- Schneid SD; Armour C; Park YS; Yudkowsky R; Bordage G, “Reducing the Number of Options on Multiple-Choice Questions: Response Time, Psychometrics, Standard Setting”, Medical Education, 48 (2014), 1020-1027