Program Summary

Residency positions One Position - Projected Start Date of July 1, 2025
Accreditation status Accredited
Appointment 12 months, from July 1-June 30
Benefits Medical, vision, dental, life insurance, vacation, sick time, and professional leave

Affiliated with

PureCare Pharmacy

Program Brochure

Program Purpose

The purpose of this one-year, postgraduate training program in community practice is to build upon the doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) education and outcomes to develop community-based pharmacist practitioners with diverse patient care, leadership, and education skills who are eligible to pursue advanced training opportunities including postgraduate year two (PGY2) residencies and professional certifications.

The UC San Diego PGY1 Community Residency is a collaborative program between UC San Diego-SSPPS and PureCare Pharmacy. Residents will have shared learning experiences with both UC San Diego Health and PureCare Pharmacy.  Residents will gain entrepreneurial experience working in an independent pharmacy while honing clinical skills at UC San Diego clinical sites.

Program Competencies

Educational competencies, goals, and objectives are achieved through required learning experiences. The required educational competencies for PGY1 Community Pharmacy Practice Residencies are as follows:

  1. Patient care
  2. Leadership and management
  3. Advancement of community-based practice and improving patient care
  4. Teaching, education, and dissemination of knowledge

Core Requirements for Residency Completion

  • California Board of Pharmacy Intern License obtained by July 1st
  • California Board of Pharmacy Pharmacist License obtained within 120 days of program start date
  • Successful completion of required rotations and learning objectives
  • Completion of all required evaluations
  • Completion of teaching certificate via San Diego Pharmacy Residency Leadership Program
  • Completion of residency project with presentation at a professional meeting
  • Preparation of the residency project in manuscript format

Required Learning Experiences

  • Orientation
  • PureCare Pharmacy Operations, Management, and Ownership
  • PureCare Pharmacy Clinical Service Development
  • Family Medicine Clinic
  • Student-run Free Clinic
  • Residency Project
  • Teaching Certificate

Elective Learning Experiences

  • Transitions of Care
  • Population Health
  • General Psychiatric Clinic

Teaching Certificate

The resident will participate in a teaching certificate program which includes a seminar series attended with residents from other county-wide residency programs. Seminar topics will focus on teaching and preceptor development skills. Since UC San Diego Health and PureCare Pharmacy both serve as experiential training sites for PharmD students from SSPPS, the resident will have many opportunities to develop precepting and teaching skills for various levels of pharmacy students. In addition, the resident may serve as a facilitator and small group leader in structured conferences that are part of the PharmD curriculum.  Didactic lectures may be available and residents are encouraged to participate. The resident will also provide lectures, presentations, and in-services to physicians, nurses, pharmacists, pharmacy students, and other allied healthcare providers. As part of the teaching certificate program, the resident will design and deliver a 1-hour didactic lecture to P1 students at SSPPS in the Pharmacy Practice course.

Residency Project

The resident will have the opportunity to design and complete one major project during the academic year. This project may be a medication-use evaluation (MUE), a continuous quality improvement (CQI) project, or another type of research project. Projects will be presented at professional meetings and support given to help the resident develop a manuscript suitable for publication by end of the residency year. The resident will work with the residency program director and project preceptors to identify a potential project and for mentoring throughout the project period.


All required learning experiences are scheduled longitudinally. PureCare Pharmacy experiences, Student-run Free Clinic, Residency Project, and Teaching Certificate experiences occur throughout the entire year.  The UC San Diego Ambulatory Care Clinic experience will occur once weekly for approximately 6 months. Elective experiences will be added based on the resident, preceptor, and site availability/schedules. 

Example Schedule

Orientation & Onboarding
Dates Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
6/24/xx - 7/5/xx See separate “Orientation” schedule for further details.
July to September
Dates Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
7/08/xx - 9/27/xx
Clinical Service Development Operations, ownership, and patient care Clinical Service Development Operations, ownership, and patient care Operations, ownership, and patient care PureCare staffing every other week


Research Operations, ownership, and patient care

Operations, ownership, and patient care

AND SDPrL Program

Operations, ownership, and patient care
Evening UC San Diego Student Run Free clinic (2x/month)        
October to March
Dates Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
9/20/xx - 3/31/xx
Clinical Service Development Ambulatory Care Clinics Clinical Service Development Operations, ownership, and patient care Operations, ownership, and patient care PureCare staffing every other week


Ambulatory Care Clinics Operations, ownership, and patient care

Operations, ownership, and patient care

Operations, ownership, and patient care
Evening UC San Diego Student Run Free clinic (2x/month)        
April to June
Dates Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
3/31/xx - End of June
Clinical Service Development

Clinical Service Development

OR Elective

Clinical Service Development Operations, ownership, and patient care Operations, ownership, and patient care PureCare staffing every other week


Clinical Service Development

OR Elective

Operations, ownership, and patient care

Operations, ownership, and patient care

 Ambulatory Care Conferences x 6 weeks

Operations, ownership, and patient care
Evening UC San Diego Student Run Free clinic (2x/month)        

Application Procedure

Applicants must participate in the ASHP Match and apply using PhORCAS at The complete application must include:

  • Letter of intent
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Official transcripts.

NMS #241715
Application deadline:  January 5, 2025


Alex Luli, PharmD, BCACP

Director, UC San Diego SSPPS PGY1 Community Pharmacy Residency Program

Associate Clinical Professor