Health Sciences Clinical Professor
Associate Dean for Professional Practice and Chief Pharmacy Officer
Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Human Resources
Lydia Heidt (formerly Napa)
Fund Management
Craig Telo
Dr. Daniels' research focus has been in pharmacoeconomics, safe medication systems, medication use quality, and quality pharmacy patient care. Recent work has evaluated the role of technologies in medication error reduction and patient-pharmacist interaction. His team is also examining use of multihospital data in the drug costs and improved outcomes. Dr. Daniels is a founding member of the Steering Committee for the Pharmacoeconomics Forum at UC San Diego.
Education: B.S. Pharmacy, (1975) Univ. of Arizona; M.S. (1978) Univ. of Minnesota; Ph.D. in Social and Administrative Pharmacy (1981) Univ. of Minnesota; Pharmacy Resident (1976) NIH Clinical Center.
Awards and Honors: Elected to Membership in the ASHP Foundation Visiting Leaders Faculty, (2017); Founding member of the ASHP International Pharmacy Residency Accreditation Council (2017); America’s Essential Hospitals 340B Committee (2017-18); Pharmacy Forecast Advisory Committee (2018); Testimony to the United States Congress on 340B Drug Pricing (2018); American Hospital Association Task Force on 340B Drug Pricing (2018); Invited Speaker to Dubai International Pharmacy and Technology Conference (2019).
Leadership Experience: Associate Dean of Professional Practice at the UC San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chief Pharmacy Officer at UC San Diego Health since 2004; Chief of Pharmacy NIH Clinical Center (1995-2004); Director of Graduate Studies in Hospital Pharmacy, University of Minnesota.
- Management rotations for pharmacy residents and students
- NIH Principles of Clinical Pharmacology course
- Lectures in Pharmacy Health Policy
- Application of pharmacoeconomic benchmarking to improve quality and reduce costs.
- International leader in post-Pharm.D. residency training. Serves on international pharmacy residency accreditation teams. Currently a Chair of the International Pharmacy Accreditation Commission.
- Former Chair of the pharmacy residency accreditation body Commission on Credentialing and the Pharmacy Technician Accreditation Commission
- Led the development of advanced (PGY2) specialized residency training in several areas at UC San Diego, most recently with new programs in Internal Medicine and Pharmacy Informatics.
- Analyzed impact of technology on safety in medication process.
- Chief Pharmacy Officer oversees pharmacy services at the UC San Diego Health System, including impatient, clinic, ambulatory, specialty medications, and home and infusion IV services. Recent initiatives include development of pharmacy transitions of care programs.
- Daniels CE. (2013). Who Will Sit In My Chair. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 72:657-62
- Daniels CE et al. (2013). Survey of institutions with multiple pharmacy residency programs. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 70:431-434.
- Helmons PJ et al. (2014). Formulary compliance and pharmacy labor costs associated with systematic formulary management strategy Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 71:407-15.
- Helmons PJ et al. (2015). Decision support at the Point of Prescribing to Increase Formulary Adherence. Am J health-Syst Pharm. 72:408-13.
- Awdishu L et al. (2015). The impact of real-time alerting on appropriate prescribing in kidney disease: a cluster randomized controlled trial. J Am Med Inform (3):609-16
- Fung L, Huynh T, Brush T, Medders K, El-Kareh R, Daniels CE. (2020). A correlation of a medication focused risk score to medication errors at discharge. Journal Clinical Pharmacology 60(11):1416-1423
- Pemmaraju AA, Stevens CA, Yam NT, Daniels CE. (2021) Challenges in REMS compliance. Am J Health-System Pharm 78 (12):1036-37.
- Applied pharmacoeconomics, formulary management, medication use quality and safety, health care technology assessment.