Dr. Candis M. Morello, Pharm.D., APh, CDCES, FCSHP, FASHP

Professor of Clinical Pharmacy
Associate Dean for Student Affairs
Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Candis M. Morello, Pharm.D., APh, CDCES, FCSHP, FASHP

Pronouns: She|Her|Hers

(858) 822-5586

Human Resources

Mandi Garhartt (formerly Walker)

Fund Management

Heidi Rosenthal

Research Summary

Dr. Morello's research program involves exploring clinical outcomes in people with diabetes and associated disorders (cardiac, renal, neuropathy, dyslipidemia), and educational or wellness outcomes of student pharmacists. Dr. Morello maintains a practice as a Clinical Pharmacist Provider at the Veterans Affairs San Diego Health System where she is Director of the Diabetes Intense Medical Management Clinic. She studies the impact of pharmacist-run diabetes comprehensive medication management services on the metabolic, quality of life, patient satisfaction, medication adherence, pharmacoeconomics, medication complexity, mental health, medication use patterns/cost and long term clinical outcomes. Dr. Morello also conducts research on the effectiveness of the educational models and wellness. 

Academic Achievements

Education: B.A. in Chemistry with a minor in Socio- cultural Anthropology (1991) UC Davis; Pharm.D. (1996) UC San Francisco; National Board Certification in Diabetes Education (1999) (CDCES)

Awards and Honors: San Diego Society of Health- System Pharmacists Pharmacist of the Year Award (2002); Excellence in Teaching Faculty Award (2003, 2005, 2006); Valedictorian for UCSD National Leadership in Academic Medicine Award (2005); American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Foundation Literature Award for Innovation in Pharmacy Practice for diabetes clinical outcomes research (2007); American Pharmacist Association Merit Award for diabetes education research (2008), San Diego Business Journal “Women Who Mean Business” Award, finalist (2013); American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Teaching Award (2015); American Association of Diabetes Educators Pharmacy Community of Interest Pharmacy Best Practices in Diabetes Care Award (2016); CSHP Innovative Pharmacy Practice Award Honorable Mention (2017); Excellence in Teaching Award, UC San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2019); Finalist, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Innovative in Teaching Award, Creating the Next Generation of Academic Pharmacists (NGAcRx): A Longitudinal 4 Year Teaching and Research Program (2022); UC San Diego Distinguished Teaching Award, Academic Senate (2022)

Leadership Experience:Phi Lambda Sigma National Pharmacy Leadership Society (1995); Fellow of the California Society of Health-System Pharmacists (2003), Fellow of American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (2013); Department Mentor Director, Health Sciences Faculty Mentoring Program (2017-2020), Health Sciences Faculty Equity Advisor (2018- present); Selected Member of UC San Diego Faculty Leadership Academy (2021-2022)

  • Pharmacy: Pharmacy Practice (SPPS 202)
  • Therapeutics (SPPS 212A)
  • Diabetes; electives and various APPEs and IPPEs
Key Contributions
  • Development of Student Wellness Program within Office of Student Affairs.
  • Collaborative team based approach to coupling clinical treatment and education to help patients with diabetes achieve metabolic goals.
  • Established the Pharmacist-Run Diabetes Intense Medical Management clinic at the Veterans Affairs San Diego Health System, and a 4 year Longitudinal Teaching and Research Program.
  • Clinical research in diabetes patients in pharmacist led-ambulatory care clinics at two government facilities (Naval Medical Center and VA).
Selected Publications

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Potential Collaborative Programs
  • Evaluating drug effectiveness or safety in patients with type 2 diabetes
  • Developing service interventions (clinical or educational)  and novel practice models in health-systems or community pharmacies Developing and evaluating student wellness programs