
Dr. Nimish Patel, Pharm.D., Ph.D., AAHIVP

Professor of Clinical Pharmacy
Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Nimish Patel, Pharm.D., Ph.D., AAHIVP
(858) 822-3561

Human Resources

Lydia Heidt (formerly Napa)


Jan Economy

Fund Management

Research Summary

Dr. Nimish Patel's main research interest involves evaluating clinical outcomes associated with anti-infective medications. Dr. Patel's research encompasses three domains: 1) comparative safety and effectiveness of antimicrobials in real-world settings, 2) predictors and outcomes of patients with contraindicated drug-drug interactions and 3) pharmacoeconomic strategies of emerging antimicrobial agents that result in a cost savings relative to existing medications associated with a high frequency of costly toxicities or prolonged hospitalization. Dr. Patel's clinical areas of expertise are treatment of hospitalized patients with infectious diseases, pharmacokinetic monitoring of antimicrobials, antibiotic stewardship, HIV consult service and hepatitis C. Some of his current research projects include: real-world safety and effectiveness of fluoroquinolones versus ceftriaxone/azithromycin for patients with community acquired pneumonia, incidence and predictors of outcomes among patients with diabetic foot infections, and effect of exogenous hormones on renal function and drug concentrations in transgender patients using pre-exposure prophylaxis

Academic Achievements

Education: Pharm.D., Albany College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences (2006); Pharmacy Residency in HIV Pharmacotherapy, University of Toronto/University Health Network – Toronto General Hospital Immunodeficiency Clinic and McGill University Health Centre – Montreal Chest Institute (2007); Fellowship in Infectious Diseases Outcomes Research, Albany College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences (2010); M.S. Epidemiology, University at Albany – State University of New York (2010); American Academy of HIV Medicine Pharmacist Credentialing (2012); Ph.D. Epidemiology, University at Albany – State University of New York (2014).

Awards and Honors: Faculty Preceptor of the Year at ACPHS. (2012); Teacher of the Year at ACPHS (2012), Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists (SIDP) Young Investigator Research Award (2014); Janis V. Giorgi Memorial Award – California HIV/AIDS Research Program (2019).

Leadership Experience: Journal reviewer for J of Antimicrob Chemother, Diag Microbiol and Infect Dis, Infect Dis and Therapy, Antimicrob Agents and Chemother, Pharmacotherapy, Open Forum and Infect Dis and Am J Health-Sys Pharm

  • Therapeutics IV (SPPS 212D)
  • Drug Information (SPPS 220)
Key Contributions
  • Real world effectiveness and safety of antimicrobials for vancomycin-resistant Enterococcal bacteremia.
  • Comparative effectiveness of fidaxomicin versus oral vancomycin for C. difficile infections
  • Predictors of drug-drug interactions among Veterans living with HIV and hepatitis C
Selected Publications
Potential Collaborative Programs
  • Investigator-initiated research grants assessing real-world safety and effectiveness of anti-infective agents used among Veterans Affairs patients with infectious diseases
  • Investigator-initiated research grants assessing frequency and predictors of contraindicated drug-drug interactions among patients with HIV and hepatitis C