Student Travel

UC San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Office of Student Affairs

Policy on Support of Students for Professional Meeting Attendance and Travel

Professional growth and development is an important part of the experience that students obtain while in school. The SSPPS Office of Student Affairs (OSA) wishes to provide reasonable support for students to travel to, provide representation at and participate in professional pharmacy association meetings. As funds are limited, the following criteria have been established. The Associate Dean for Student Affairs reserves the right to modify this policy at any time should adequate funds not be available.  A stipend may reduce your loan eligibility. Please check with the Health Sciences Financial Aid Office.


For All Other Students Wishing to Attend a Scientific or Professional Association Meeting:

The SSPPS OSA will provide reimbursement for meeting registrations, up to a total expenditure of $250 per academic year, for students who wish to attend scientific or professional association meetings. Registration must be at the early registration, student rate. If the deadline for early registration is missed, reimbursement will only be for the amount that the student would have paid had the early deadline been met. All other expenses to attend the meeting will be borne by the student.

For Official SSPPS Student Representatives to Professional Associations:

Students who are the official representatives (e.g. delegates, patient counseling competition participants, clinical skills competition participants, etc.) to professional pharmacy associations will be provided with reasonable expenses for registration, transportation and lodging. All other expenses will be borne by the student (i.e., food and incidentals). Registration must be at the early registration student rate and hotel reservations must be made within a time frame to take advantage of any discounted rates. If two or more students of the same gender are attending a meeting, it is expected that lodging will be in a shared room. For meetings held in San Diego only registration and parking will be reimbursed.

For Students Presenting a Scientific Presentation at a Scientific or Professional Association Meeting:

Students presenting original research at a conference are also encouraged to apply for the Graduate & Professional Student Association Travel Grant. Please find more information here:

A student who has had the results of scientific research or a project accepted for presentation as a platform or poster presentation at a scientific or professional association meeting will be provided with reasonable expenses. Reimbursements will be offered up to a total of $750 per project for registration, transportation and lodging for students to attend one meeting. If more than one student presents the poster at a professional meeting, the (<$750) reimbursement will be split between the students. Poster printing should be done in-house (SSPPS) by contacting Student Affairs a minimum of two weeks prior to the conference. Posters printed outside of SSPPS will not be reimbursed.  All other expenses will be borne by the student. Registration must be at the early registration student rate and hotel reservations must be made within a time frame to take advantage of any discounted rates. Travel expenses must fall within UCSD Travel Policy. If two or more students of the same gender are attending a meeting, it is expected that lodging will be in a shared room. For meetings held in San Diego, only registration and parking will be reimbursed. If a student has a poster or platform, on the same topic, accepted at more than one meeting, the OSA will only provide reimbursement for the student to be present at one of the meetings.

Foreign Travel:

Students will not be reimbursed for travel expenses incurred to attend a meeting outside of the continental United States or Canada. With prior approval of the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, students may use all or a portion of their $200 per academic year allocation toward registration at a meeting held outside of the United States. The meeting must be a professional or scientific meeting directly related to the science or practice of pharmacy.


All applications for support from the SSPPS OSA must be made on the appropriate official request form and approved by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs or designee. This form must be submitted at least 15 school days (3 weeks) prior to the start of the event.


Within 10 school days (2 weeks) of return from a trip, the student must provide to the OSA, original receipts of all expenses for which reimbursement is expected. Expenses cannot be reimbursed without original receipts. Attempts should be made not to have multiple student expenses on the same receipt, if possible. Telephone calls will not be reimbursed.


Please contact the Office of Student Affairs regarding any questions.  Email: