The Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences offers a range of programs leading to professional (Pharm.D.) and research-oriented (Ph.D.) degrees in pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, as well as joint programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Doctor of Pharmacy curriculum prepares students to be leaders in the profession of pharmacy and to provide them with the tools to effectively practice in a wide variety of currently existing and potential future roles in hospitals, medical centers, community pharmacies, academia, government and the pharmaceutical industry.

This program is available to students who entered UC San Diego as freshman and are a declared Pharmacological Chemistry major in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry.
The program is a unique joint effort between the SSPPS and the Biomedical Sciences (BMS) Graduate Program on the UC San Diego Health Sciences Campus with emphasis on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Discovery.
Graduate education in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Development (PSDD) provides training in research strategies in the design and development of novel therapeutic agents to improve human life in disease and health.

Achieving a Master of Science in Drug Development and Product Management gives you the specialized skill set required for careers and advancement in the pharmaceutical, biotech, and other life science industries.