Our Curriculum

The PharmD curriculum prepares students to be leaders in the profession of pharmacy and provides the tools to effectively practice in a variety of existing and potential roles including, but not limited to:

  • Hospitals and clinics
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Innovative community practice settings
  • Government
  • Health policy
  • Academia

The curriculum is designed with the philosophy that all health science students require a common knowledge base in the biomedical sciences. To this end, in the second year of the PharmD curriculum, pharmacy students take courses in the basic biomedical sciences with our School of Medicine's first-year medical students. They will also be enrolled with these same medical students during advanced practice clinical experiences in the fourth year. The common required and elective coursework, interprofessional learning activities, and introductory and advanced practice clinical experiences have been created to foster the development of teamwork and collegiality between the professions.

The curriculum is currently dynamic and under constant review by interdisciplinary faculty committees with student input.


Year 1 (P1)

Fall Quarter

Pharmacy Practice I

An introductory foundation to the profession of pharmacy based on OTC medications, alternative therapies, patient assessment and counseling skills, point-of-care testing, parenteral therapy preparation, pharmaceutical calculations and prescription practice.

Concepts in Pharmacy Practice

An introduction to the profession of pharmacy. Students will be exposed to pharmacy practice leaders from community practice, institutional practice, HMO and managed care, biotechnology and clinical research.

Law & Ethics

Law and ethics of pharmacy practice, including: key drug and pharmacy laws; the nature and scope of pharmacist practice, drug manufacturing, compounding, preparation, dispensing, and record-keeping, the role of various government agencies; potential bases for discipline or other liability; licensure requirements.

Study Design and Biostatistics I

Students attain critical appraisal skills and learn statistical concepts for biomedical literature necessary for clinical decision making. Elements of hypothesis, p values, power, significance, populations, procedures, methods, validity, ethics, execution, analysis and reporting are presented.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry I 

First of a two-part series that includes a survey of the chemistry of drug molecules and a computational laboratory. Topics will include the relationship between size and absorption, functional group chemistry, conformational flexibility and polypeptides and their mimetics. The course also focuses on a thorough and rigorous treatment of the basic principles of thermodynamics and chemical kinetics of molecular reactions.

Winter Quarter

Pharmacy Practice II

Second of a three-part series continuing the introduction to the profession of pharmacy.

Introduction to Health Care Systems and Policy

Students are introduced to the organization, financing and delivery of health care services in the United States. Using access to prescription drugs as one framework, the relationship of providers, patients, payers, producers, purchasers and policy makers will be analyzed as a critical review of the systems assets and liabilities. In addition, discussions will include other comparisons of other national health policies and current United States health policy issues and controversies.

Study Design and Biostatistics II

Students attain critical appraisal skills and learn statistical concepts for biomedical literature necessary for clinical decision making. Elements of hypothesis, p values, power, significance, populations, procedures, methods, validity, ethics, execution, analysis and reporting are presented.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry II 

Second of a two-part series to include a survey of the ways in which macromolecules interact with drugs. Topics will include enzyme kinetics and inhibition, kinases and phosphatases and drug metabolism, the kinetics of drug resistance and metabolism, and the consequences of metabolic induction.

Pharmaceutics I

This course presents an understanding of the basic fundamentals of biopharmaceutics and clinical pharmacokinetics including the major physical, chemical, and biological factors that influence systemic availability of drugs from their dosage forms and rates of drug absorption distribution, metabolism, and excretion in humans.  Topics included are rates and extent of absorption, gastrointestinal transit and physiologic considerations, membrane transport, first pass effects, parenteral and oral absorption, dissolution, bioequivalence, immediate and modified release, drug clearance, volume of distribution, and elimination of half-life.  Emphasis will be placed on understanding pharmacokinetics in the normal state and will also use examples of change in pharmacokinetic parameters due to drug interactions, concurrent diseases and genetic differences.

Spring Quarter

Pharmacy Practice III

Third of a three-part series continuing the introduction to the profession of pharmacy.

Pharmacy Informatics

Students will be provided with fundamental skills in pharmacy information technologies and their impact on the practice of pharmacy.

Pharmaceutics II

This course complements Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics and presents a thorough understanding of the fundamental principles necessary to administer therapeutic agents.  This includes review of the chemical, physical chemical and physiologic barriers necessary for drug delivery, the vehicle for drug delivery, systems used for drug delivery, routes of administration, standards for formulation, FDA regulations, testing standards, expiration standards and labeling.

Anatomy for Pharmacists

This course teaches human anatomy for professional pharmacists, focusing on structures and concepts that are most relevant to the following:

Literacy in common clinical terminology Foundational anatomy and physiology of all major body systems


The course explores human anatomy on multiple levels:  Grossly observable structures, microscopic structures (histology), clinical imaging, and patient cases.

  • Anatomic sites of drug activity
  • Anatomic basis for common pathological states, medical interventions, and clinical problem solving
  • Pharmacy practice, including drug administration and monitoring techniques
Year Round

Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPE)

Students are expected to engage in IPPEs in the areas of community pharmacy, institutional health-system pharmacy, health-related service learning, and simulated activities during the first three years of the pharmacy curriculum. These experiences are intended to serve as a bridge between didactic courses and fourth-year Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE). Students must complete 300 IPPE hours by the end of the Winter Quarter of the P3 year in order to progress to fourth-year APPEs.

Co-Curricular Program

The Co-Curricular Program organizes and documents the learning environment outside the classroom to focus on activities that are student-centered, learning-focused, and intentional. The goal is to promote high-quality co-curricular activities across the student experiences that build competencies to prepare student pharmacists to be practice-ready and team-ready.

Pharm.D. Required Student Research Project

Completing a research project is required of all students and is a prerequisite for graduation. Students are encouraged to consider potential projects beginning in their first year. Students may complete their research project in any academic year. For Pharm.D./Ph.D. program students, completion of the Ph.D. thesis project will satisfy this graduation project requirement.


Year 2 (P2)

Fall Quarter

Cardiovascular System

Cardiovascular System is aimed at providing insight into the physiology of the heart and vascular system and its related pharmacology.  A basic understanding of this fascinating organ system is crucial for all those with medical and pharmacy/pharmacology careers, regardless of the ultimate field of study.   This four-week block of lectures, small groups, team-based learning, and laboratory sessions is designed to provide the student with a fundamental knowledge of the workings of the cardiovascular system and its underlying mechanisms, and how its normal state is affected by physiologic and pharmacologic alterations. 

Pulmonary System

This second physiology block is a short one, and the concepts of pulmonary physiology build quickly.  The introduction provides the anatomical and structural basis for the mechanics of moving air into and out of the lungs.  Interpretation of pulmonary function tests provides insight into conditions or disorders that modify lung mechanics.  The lectures then describe the elements of gas exchange, including partial pressures and concentrations from air to alveoli to arterial blood and the arterial blood gas measurements used clinically.  Changes in gas exchange caused by anemia, carbon monoxide, and exercise are explored, and these lectures culminate with the causes of hypoxemia and distinguishing between them.  The final lectures cover removal of particulates, pharmacology, and extreme altitude.

Gastrointestinal System and Nutrition

The course provides an overview of the structure and function of the gastrointestinal tract and its appendages, i.e., liver, pancreas and salivary glands, and the processes of food digestion and absorption. The course also introduces basic physiologic and biochemical concepts of human nutrition and diseases associated with deficiencies of excesses of essential nutrients.

Principles of Pharmacology and Physiology

Topics include the pharmacology of autonomic and cardiovascular drugs, receptor pharmacology, drugs acting at cholinergic and adrenergic receptors and their applications and basic principles of absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, mechanism of action and toxicities.

Winter Quarter

Laboratory Medicine

Laboratory Medicine is an introduction to fundamental laboratory biological tissue testing. Emphasis is placed on general interpretation of laboratory data, normal and abnormal, the systematic use of laboratory tests in the evaluation and management of the most common and important clinical conditions, and the anticipated changes when therapeutics are applied.

Renal System

The Renal System I course is designed to provide students with a physiologic approach to understanding how the kidney achieves homeostasis in the face of widely variable physical demands and intake. It is often said that the only reason there are ‘normal values’ for blood chemistry is there are no ‘normal values’ for urine chemistry – the kidney achieves homeostasis by creating a widely varying output! In its spare time, apart from handling water, salts, nitrogenous waste products, and acid-base balance, the kidney also produces erythropoietin and activates vitamin D, making it both an exocrine and endocrine superstar.  

Principles of Pharmacology and Physiology

Basic principles of absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, mechanisms of action and toxicities of anti-psychotic, anti-depressant, anti-Parkinson and sedative-hypnotic drugs are discussed

Spring Quarter


This course combines basic immunology and immunology case studies. The combined course will juxtapose the basic principles of immunology with the clinically correlated immune disorder. Because the content will include basic and clinical immunology, the course is taught by basic scientists, physician scientists, and clinicians who are experts in their fields of immunology. 


Hematology is the study of blood, blood-forming tissues, and blood disorders. Because blood perfuses and thereby sustains EVERY organ and tissue in the body, hematology has an enormous role impacting ALL fields of medicine. In Immunology you learned the normal biology of white blood cells; here we will add the basics of normal biology and physiology of red blood cells, platelets, and the hemostatic system. We will jump quickly to studying what can go wrong with the blood and what it looks like when you evaluate a person affected by different blood disorders.  This course thus represents an inflection point in your pre-clinical curriculum, focusing primarily on pathophysiology and clinical presentations of disorders, in contrast to the normal physiology focus of preceding courses.

Endocrinology, Reproduction and Metabolism

ERM offers an integrated introduction to the physiology of the human endocrine, reproductive, and metabolic systems.  Major course objectives will be to impart an understanding of the biochemical principles underlying metabolism, the mechanisms of hormone action, and the endocrine system's role in regulating homeostasis and reproduction. The last week of the course will explore the basic function and physiology of male and female reproduction. Finally, you will learn about the female reproductive lifespan from the menstrual cycle to pregnancy and menopause given that you will encounter a (pregnant) female patient in professional or personal settings.  


This course in medical microbiology is designed so that you will learn the basic biology of microbial pathogens, the mechanisms by which they cause disease, the host's defenses against microbial infection and the principles of antimicrobial therapy. Our objective is to help you establish a useful body of knowledge relevant to the diagnosing, treating, and preventing infectious diseases and to provide a basic framework to add throughout your career.

Principles of Pharmacology and Physiology

Basic principles of absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, mechanism of action and toxicities are discussed for drugs in thyroid diseases, diabetes, adrenal dysfunction, reproduction control, coagulopathies, anemia, infection and malignancy are discussed.


Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPE)

Students are expected to engage in IPPEs in the areas of community pharmacy, institutional health-system pharmacy, health-related service learning, and simulated activities during the first three years of the pharmacy curriculum. These experiences are intended to serve as a bridge between didactic courses and fourth-year Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE). Students must complete 300 IPPE hours by the end of the Winter Quarter of the P3 year in order to progress to fourth-year APPEs.

Co-Curricular Program

The Co-Curricular Program organizes and documents the learning environment outside the classroom to focus on activities that are student-centered, learning-focused, and intentional. The goal is to promote high-quality co-curricular activities across the student experiences that build competencies to prepare student pharmacists to be practice-ready and team-ready.

Pharm.D. Required Student Research Project

Completing a research project is required of all students and is a prerequisite for graduation. Students are encouraged to consider potential projects beginning in their first year.  Students may  complete their research project in any academic year.  For Pharm.D./Ph.D. program students, completion of the Ph.D. thesis project will satisfy this graduation project requirement.

Team-Based Learning (TBL) Program

The SSPPS curriculum during the second year has a significant portion of time devoted to Team-Based Learning (TBL) throughout the academic year. The TBL program is integrated into the biomedical curriculum and designed to support pharmacy students’ long-term retention of each block’s course objectives through frequent and spaced assessments of student performance. Students actively work together in teams, assimilating knowledge, solving problems, and teaching one another. This type of active learning helps students develop the critical thinking and communication skills as well as the problem-solving and professional team skills necessary to become competent pharmacists.


Year 3 (P3)

Fall Quarter

Therapeutics I

First in a four-part series presenting drug therapy management of different diseases. Emphasis is on drug selection, monitoring therapeutic outcomes, integrating laboratory tests/organ function, drug interaction/adverse reaction recognition/management, applied pharmacokinetics and developing analytical and patient care skills.

Advanced Professional Practice Lab

Development of professional skills and the application of knowledge necessary for practice.  The Advanced Professional Practice series will provide students with opportunities to apply their knowledge of pharmacotherapy to standardized patients in simulated ambulatory and hospital environments.  Students will develop communication skills for varied real world challenges. Student pharmacists will develop their skills related to the safe and accurate distribution of medications in a simulated environment.  Students will train in health care teams with students from health care disciplines to learn effective communication and organization for effective and safe patient care.


This course provides an understanding of the evolving area of genomics and the correlation between an individual's or subpopulation's genetic make-up and their response to drugs.

Winter Quarter

Therapeutics II

Second in a four-part series presenting drug therapy management of different diseases. Emphasis is on drug selection, monitoring therapeutic outcomes, integrating laboratory tests/organ function, drug interaction/adverse reaction recognition/management, applied pharmacokinetics and developing analytical and patient care skills.

Therapeutics IV

Fourth in a four-part series. Students will use their previous knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, pharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacology and literature evaluation to formulate appropriate therapeutic decisions.  Each week students will apply the knowledge acquired from lectures and readings to patient cases that will be discussed with peers in weekly conference sections.  By the end of the series, students will have reviewed the pathophysiology of major disease states, the pharmacology of the drugs used to treat these disease states, and critically analyzed the decision processes to create and implement therapeutic plans.  The therapeutics series of courses is the culmination of knowledge gained in previous years to prepare students for the practice of pharmaceutical care on clinical rotations.  Pharmaceutical care is defined as the responsible provision of drug therapy for the purpose of achieving definite outcomes that improve a patient’s quality of life.

Contemporary Topics in Pharmacology I

This course develops drug focused pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology and pharmacogenomics principles.  Integration with Therapeutics courses brings together structure-activity-relationships, metabolic pathways, mechanisms of action, excretion, and population genetics to enhance drug selection for simple/complex therapy.

Spring Quarter

Applied Pharmacoeconomics

Introduction to management principles utilized to manage drug therapy for patient populations to produce quality clinical, economic and humanistic outcomes in a cost-effective manner. Emphasis is on the application of basic management and decision analysis functions to evaluate the need for and document the effect of pharmaceutical care interventions in a variety of pharmacy practice settings.

Therapeutics III

Third in a four-part series presenting drug therapy management of different diseases. Emphasis is on drug selection, monitoring therapeutic outcomes, integrating laboratory tests/organ function, drug interaction/adverse reaction recognition/management, applied pharmacokinetics and developing analytical and patient care skills.

Advanced Professional Practice Lab

Continuation of Fall Quarter Advanced Professional Practice. Development of professional skills and the application of knowledge necessary for practice.  The Advanced Professional Practice series will provide students with opportunities to apply their knowledge of pharmacotherapy to standardized patients in simulated ambulatory and hospital environments.  Students will develop communication skills for varied real world challenges. Student pharmacists will develop their skills related to the safe and accurate distribution of medications in a simulated environment.  Students will train in health care teams with students from health care disciplines to learn effective communication and organization for effective and safe patient care.

Contemporary Topics in Pharmacology II

This course develops drug focused pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology and pharmacogenomics principles. Integration with Therapeutics courses brings together structure-activity-relationships, metabolic pathways, mechanisms of action, excretion, and population genetics to enhance drug selection for simple/complex therapy.


Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPE)

Students are expected to engage in IPPEs in the areas of community pharmacy, institutional health-system pharmacy, health-related service learning, and simulated activities during the first three years of the pharmacy curriculum. These experiences are intended to serve as a bridge between didactic courses and fourth-year Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE). Students must complete 300 IPPE hours by the end of the Winter Quarter of the P3 year in order to progress to fourth-year APPEs.

Co-Curricular Program

The Co-Curricular Program organizes and documents the learning environment outside the classroom to focus on activities that are student-centered, learning-focused, and intentional. The goal is to promote high-quality co-curricular activities across the student experiences that build competencies to prepare student pharmacists to be practice-ready and team-ready.

Pharm.D. Required Student Research Project

Completing a research project is required of all students and is a prerequisite for graduation. Students are encouraged to consider potential projects beginning in their first year.  Students may  complete their research project in any academic year.  For Pharm.D./Ph.D. program students, completion of the Ph.D. thesis project will satisfy this graduation project requirement.


Year 4 (P4)


Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences

The fourth year of the curriculum is devoted entirely to advanced pharmacy practice experiences, or APPEs, where students learn to apply the skills and knowledge obtained in the curriculum in a variety of patient care settings. Students are assigned to clinical rotations at major teaching medical centers affiliated with the University. Additional elective experiences are available in unique practice sites in the areas including the pharmaceutical industry, biotechnology, government and a variety of other settings.

Pharm.D. Required Student Research Project

Completing a research project is required of all students and is a prerequisite for graduation. Students are encouraged to consider potential projects beginning in their first year.  Students may complete their research project in any academic year.  For Pharm.D./Ph.D. program students, completion of the Ph.D. thesis project will satisfy this graduation project requirement.

Co-Curricular Program

The Co-Curricular Program organizes and documents the learning environment outside the classroom to focus on activities that are student-centered, learning-focused, and intentional. The goal is to promote high-quality co-curricular activities across the student experiences that build competencies to prepare student pharmacists to be practice-ready and team-ready.



SPPS 250: Cannabis Pharmacology and Therapeutics

This course will provide students knowledge about the cannabis plant and the derivative constituents, primarily focusing on cannabinoids and their interaction with the endocannabinoid system. The goal of this course will be to introduce the scientific basis for the development of cannabis-derived medicinal drug products beginning with the ancient history of cannabis and learning about the cultural, social, political, legal, medical, pharmaceutical, scientific and educational perspectives. As an introductory course, it will cover many aspects of cannabis, including botany, pharmacology, and therapeutics and will include guest speakers with relevant expertise. Students will have an opportunity to be at the forefront of this rapidly growing field in order to provide scientific based information to patients, and will gain expertise while interactively participating in the learning process.

SPPS 251: Tobacco Cessation Medication Management

The goal of the free clinic TCC is to provide behavioral counseling and pharmacotherapy recommendations to uninsured and disadvantaged patients. In addition to TCC, students will also treat patients in comprehensive fashion focusing on medication management in complex patients. This will be a pre-APPE study mimicking an APPE ambulatory care rotation with emphasis on TCC and medication management of chronic diseases.

SPPS 252: Exploring the Intersection of Racism, Antimicrobial Resistance, and Vaccine Equity

Profound racial and ethnic disparities are deeply woven within the constructs of the US healthcare system. Infectious diseases are the second leading contributor to healthcare racial disparities, however, racially/ethnically minoritized groups are less likely to have access to preventative therapies. This SSPPS elective, Exploring the Intersection of Racism, Antimicrobial Resistance, and Vaccine Equity, is a one-unit course focusing on the confluence of racism and social determinants of health on infectious diseases and disparate outcomes. At the conclusion of this course, learners will be equipped with the necessary tools to identify inequities recognized with racially/ethnically minoritized communities and their own role in narrowing the equity gaps.

SPPS 253: Advanced Human Anatomy

A lab-based human anatomy course in which enrolled students perform hands-on dissection in parallel with the MS1 anatomy course.

SPPS 254: Wellbeing: A Dose of Vitamin Me

This course focuses on facilitating student learning about wellbeing and actively practicing strategies for well-being. Throughout the course, there will be experiential and self-care sessions focused on the following topics: Orientation/Introduction of Wellbeing, Building Community, Self-Compassion & Kindness, Mind-Body Connection, Play and Joy, Nourishing Our Bodies. The course will conclude with a final student presentation on wellness. After learning about, reflecting on, and practicing well-being strategies, students will better understand the importance of wellbeing in their own lives in addition to the lives of their patients and peers.

SPPS 255: Principles of Pharmacoepidemiology

This course will provide an introduction to pharmacoepidemiology and related methods to investigate the effectiveness, safety, and benefits of pharmaceuticals on the population. Pharmacoepidemiology combines the philosophies and methods of epidemiology and pharmacology to address population health issues in well-defined large populations using real-world data. Fundamental activities of pharmacoepidemiology includes drug utilization and safety, pharmacovigilance, comparative effectiveness, and benefits of pharmaceuticals on large populations. This course is for pharmacy students at all levels of their education.

SPPS 261: Human Teratology

This course will provide an overview of the field of teratology with emphasis on specific medications used during pregnancy and the risk for congenital anomalies. Students will acquire ability to critically evaluate data and apply this to individual risk assessment.

SPPH 263A: Principles of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Development I

The goal of the 2-quarter series in 'Principles of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Development' (PPSDD) graduate courses is to provide students with an in depth understanding of the drug discovery (Part A) and drug development (Part B) processes. As part of the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program at UC San Diego, the PSDD Training Area is taught by Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (SSPPS) faculty in association with the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), the Protein Data Bank (PDB), the Center for Drug Discovery Innovation (cDDI), the UC San Diego Drug Development Pipeline, the Center for Compound Resources, the Center for Computer-Aided Drug Design and the Center for Discovery and Innovation in Parasitic Diseases. The PSDD courses are open to graduate students in related disciplines of Chemistry/Biochemistry, Bioengineering, Neurosciences, Bioinformatics, Biological Sciences, Marine Chemical Biology, and related, reflecting the multidisciplinary nature of drug discovery and development. The Principles of PSDD part 'A' course covers target discovery, lead discovery and early preclinical drug development. The Principles of PSDD part 'B' course covers lead optimization, late stage preclinical development, clinical trials and commercialization. In addition, Part B teaches regulatory affairs and intellectual property associated with drug development. Although both quarters are recommended for graduate students, part A (3 Units) and part B (3 Units) can each be taken alone. The PSDD training area will provide translational sciences training that bridges basic sciences and clinical research for the purpose of addressing the world’s challenges in unmet therapeutic needs.

SPPH 263B: Principles of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Development II

This course will provide students with a concrete understanding of the challenges and successes associated with moving optimized drug candidates to IND and clinical trials. Optimization of drug leads involves drug design and evaluation for efficacy with appropriate properties in pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, safety and toxicology, drug formulation for routes of administration, FDA drug regulations, and intellectual property for IND application and approval of a projected therapeutic agent.

SPPS 264A: Managed Care I

This course is intended to give students an opportunity to hone a variety of skills including critical analysis, presentation and research skills while gaining a real world perspective of the pharmacy management process. Students will become familiarized in evaluating the available scientific, clinical and economic evidence for a new molecular entity, conduct a cost/benefit analysis, assess the impact on patient population outcomes and relate drug therapy choices to practice guidelines.

SPPS 264B Managed Care II

Students apply clinical and outcomes assessment skills to clinical and economic dossier for extensive review. Completion of clinical studies evidence matrix, budget impact analyses, and cost-effectiveness analyses yielding a formulary use recommendation and medication use parameters on a population level.

SPPS 265: Geriatric Pharmacotherapy

Through didactic lecture and case study discussions of common pharmaceutical care and chronic disease management challenges in the senior population, this elective provides students with specialized focus on Geriatric Pharmacotherapy. Reading materials and case studies will be drawn from clinical practice, primary literature, evidence-based medicine, and clinical practice guidelines.

SPPS 266: Veterinary Pharmacy

This course introduces students to veterinary pharmacy, challenges in drug therapy, pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic variances, ethical issues, law and public health, and drug administration. Students will learn many aspects of serving veterinary patients through lectures, discussion, exercises, field visits and a project.

SPPS 267: Pediatric Pharmacotherapy

Through didactic lecture and case study discussions of common pharmaceutical care and chronic disease management challenges in the pediatric population, this elective provides students with specialized focus on Pediatric Pharmacotherapy. Reading materials and case studies will be drawn from clinical practice, primary literature, evidence-based medicine, and clinical practice guidelines.

SPPS 269: Pain & Palliative Care

This hands-on and active learning course will provide students the skills to appropriately assess and treat various pain disorders by building upon the foundation that is taught in Fall Therapeutics. Additionally the course will cover topics of opioid use disorder and prescribing opioids safely, end-of-life management, pediatric pain management, treatment of sickle cell crises, patient assessment and communication in difficult clinical situations.

SPPS 270A: Beginning Conversational Spanish for Pharm Students I

Designed to develop/enhance students’ working knowledge of medical/healthcare Spanish and cultural competency to facilitate communication with Spanish-speaking patients and families. Special emphasis on oral communication skills and clinical experiences. Open to beginners with no prior exposure to Spanish.

SPPS 270B: Beginning Conversational Spanish for Pharm Students II

A continuation of SPPS 270A. Designed to develop/enhance students’ working knowledge of medical/healthcare Spanish and cultural competency to facilitate communication with Spanish-speaking patients and families. Special emphasis on oral communication skills and clinical experiences.

SPPS 271: Current Concepts in Pharmacy Legislation

This course focuses on teaching students basic knowledge of the legislative process and fundamental advocacy techniques. Students will learn about current legislation relevant to pharmacy and influence lobbyists, legislators, and policy professionals. Throughout the course, there will be three mandatory meetings: orientation, Legislative day, and a lunchtime talk with a guest speaker who will present about their role in advocacy. After Legislative day, we will have a post-legislative day assignment for the students and a video assignment. Lastly, students will write a letter to their senator/assemblyman about any bill presented during Legislative Day.

SPPS 274: Critical Care Medicine

Presenting drug therapy management in critically ill patients. This is a complementary course to the therapeutics series. Emphasis on drug selection, pharmacology, monitoring therapeutics outcomes, integrating organ function/laboratory tests, drug interaction/adverse reaction recognition and management, pharmacokinetic analysis on select drugs.

SPPS 278: Free Clinic Manager

Provides students the opportunity to work directly with an underserved population, provide patient education/counseling, and learn how to treat and manage chronic disease states that burden these communities. Students will receive administrative training in management, pharmacy operations and dispensing.

SPPS 279: Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention

The Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Elective provides a general review of substances of abuse including stimulants, depressants, opioids, and marijuana. In addition, an overview of drug use, regulations, the mechanism of action of drugs, and preventing substance abuse and substance abuse and dependence will be covered.

SPPS 280: Diabetes Care

This elective will provide an overview of diabetes management including non-pharmacological treatments, pharmacological guidelines and treatment strategies based on the patient’s culture and comorbid conditions. The students will then apply their treatment strategies to patients at the Student Run Free Clinic Program Diabetes Care Clinic.

SPPS 281: Ecological and Medicinal Aspects of Natural Products

Through descriptions of some of the most interesting phenomena involving natural products, this course will provide the foundations of the natural product sciences, including ethnobotanical uses of plants, ecological interactions and contemporary drug screening programs, and will increase awareness of the pervasiveness of natural products in pharmaceutical products. Students will gain knowledge of specific natural products of special note for their pharmaceutical or ecological value, and will integrate various scientific disciplines such as organic chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology, ecology and the drug discovery process. There will be two planned but optional field trips (tide pool exploration, desert garden walk).

SPPS 282: VR Manipulations of Drug-Macromolecule Structural Interactions

Where to find and how to visualize atomic structures of biologically important macromolecules, proteins and nucleic acids. Computer visualization and analysis of their atomic level interactions with drugs. Creating slide-show presentations with incorporated molecular structures. Presenting visualized structures in stereoscopic 3D. Using cutting edge visualization resources at UC San Diego to display and immerse into macromolecular structures in 3D:Oculus Rift VR classroom where 6 students at a time will be able to simultaneously use individual Oculus Rift based VR gear for immersive sensing and analysis of their molecular visualization classroom projects. Each student will select drug*macromolecule complex of their choice to visualize and will have 5-10 min presentation time to emphasize most important atomic drug-molecule interactions in the system, based on visualization tool capabilities.

SPPS 283: Hepatitis Free San Diego Collaborative

An elective course focusing on viral and non-viral hepatitis and their impacts on the community. Lectures include epidemiology, testing, diagnosis, and therapeutic management for viral hepatitis, their significance in current healthcare, therapeutic considerations in disease and medication management, and pharmacists’ and physicians’ roles in prevention and transitions of care.

SPPS 286: Special Topics in Psychiatry

The Special Topics in Psychiatry is an elective course focusing on mental health disorders and dispelling the myths and stigma associated with mental health disorders. Topics that are currently not presented in required curriculum (e.g. Therapeutics) are highlighted.

SPPS 287: Solid Organ Transplant

Elective course on the therapeutic management of solid organ transplant recipients. In this course, students will use their previous knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, pharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacology, and therapeutics and literature evaluation to formulate appropriate therapeutic decisions. By the end of the course, students will have reviewed the pathophysiology of major disease states pre- and post-transplantation, the pharmacology of the drugs used in solid organ transplantation, and the decision processes to create and implement therapeutic plans. This course will prepare students for the practice of pharmaceutical care on acute and ambulatory care solid organ transplant rotations.

SPPS 288: Intro to Clinical Oncology: The War on Cancer

This is an elective that will introduce students to oncology pharmacy and basic concepts in oncologic care. The curriculum is designed to provide students with the continuum of oncology pharmacy from beginning to end: risks/cancer prevention, drug development, clinical trial design, drug administration, future therapies, adverse effects, survivorship, and hospice/palliative care. This course will prepare students for future oncology rotations and confer basic knowledge for the responsible provision of other aspects of pharmaceutical care of patients with cancer.

SPPS 289: Pharmacy Topics in Endocrinology

This course introduces students to endocrinology with an emphasis on endocrine pathophysiology. Topics include feedback control theory, the major hormone systems, presentation of hormone and drug receptors and targets and pharmacy applications. Course is designed to provide a foundation/enhance the SSPPS/SOM integrated Scientific Curriculum course SPPS 237.

SPPS 500: Pharmaceutical Sciences Teaching

This is an elective course open to 3rd-year pharmacy students to (1) gain teaching experience in student conference sessions and course grading, and (2) gain a focused review of enzyme and receptor drug target mechanisms of therapeutic agents through teaching activities.

SPPS 501: Human Anatomy Teaching

Assist in teaching SPPS 241 Human Anatomy, a P1 Spring Quarter required course. The goal of this course is for students to gain teaching experience in gross anatomy lectures and labs through any or all of the following activities: Preparing prosections; conducting review sessions; contributing to preparation of laboratory exams, including performing at least one assigned identification tag; attending labs; tutoring students; and assisting with the Cadaver Memorial service.

SPPS 502: Law & Ethics Teaching

This is a 3-unit elective open to P3s who are 1) interested in Law and Ethics, 2) would like to take a focused review of California Pharmacy Law, and/or 3) have interest in facilitating and leading a conference to obtain conference teaching experience.

SPPS 503: SSPPS Electives Teaching

Students who qualify and are approved by faculty are eligible to enroll in this 1-2 unit course to coordinate an SSPPS elective. Electives include, but are not limited to, the following: SPPS 264AB Managed Care I & II, SPPS 265 Geriatric Pharmacotherapy, SPPS 271 Current Concepts in Pharmacy Legislation, SPPS 279 Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention, SPPS 280 Diabetes Care, and SPPS 283 Hepatitis Free SD Collaborative.

In conjunction with the faculty advisor, the student coordinators organize the lecture topics, lecture locations, and outreach events*. They evaluate feedback from the previous year’s students and faculty to determine if any changes need to be made to the course. The student coordinators also attend each course lecture and manage outreach events*. Student coordinators are also given opportunities to teach, by participating in various ways in the delivery of the course content of that elective.

SPPS 504: Compounding Lab Teaching

Assist in teaching SPPS 225 Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems – Compounding Lab, a P1 required course. The goal of this course is for students to gain teaching experience in compounding labs through any or all of the following activities: Preparing non-sterile compounded dosage forms (i.e. capsules, creams, suppositories & suspensions), studying USP guidelines in order to effectively interpret current regulations in compounding, and participating in exercises geared towards identifying the proper role of compounding in patient therapies.