Experiential Education & Preceptors

Welcome Preceptors

We welcome interested pharmacists to become preceptors for our experiential education program, and encourage current preceptors to become familiar with the many benefits of becoming an affiliate preceptor with the UC San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Preceptors serve as positive role models for our students, introduce students to the many facets of pharmacy practice, and facilitate an experience where students are encouraged to be responsible for their learning. Being a preceptor can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience, and offers teaching opportunities in addition to a close relationship with our school of pharmacy. Thank you for your interest and enthusiasm in being a preceptor for our student pharmacists.

If you are interested in offering a new rotation site for an Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE) or Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) or require assistance for an established rotation, please contact:



Meet Our Office of Experiential Education

Christina Mnatzaganian, PharmD, BCACP

Associate Dean for Experiential Education


Alex Luli, PharmD, BCACP

Director, Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences

Greg Marciel

Greg Marciel

Coordinator, Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences


Ila Saunders

Ila Saunders, PharmD, BCOP

Director, Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences

Jamie Kneebusch

Jamie Kneebusch, PharmD, BCPS, BCPP

VA Track Clinical Track Coordinator

Karla Barranco Márquez

Coordinator, Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences


Experiential Education Resources

EPIC Access for Student Pharmacists

If the account is not logged into every 20 days, a block is automatically placed on the account.

If you are unable to access your account, please call the IT Help Desk at 619-543-4357, and they can quickly remove the block. This service desk is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

APPE Rotation Description Template and Examples

We request that APPE preceptors use our standardized Rotation Description template format (below) when creating or revising an APPE Rotation Description/Syllabus.

APPE Rotation Description Template with Instructions







Preceptors, Didactic Instructors/Lecturers

Appointment Request Form

Click here


  • The Appointment Request Form is used for didactic instructors, preceptors, lecturers, or similar
  • The appointment request form is for individuals who are at locations where a signed training affiliation agreement has been approved. 
  • This is not applicable for a UC San Diego pharmacy resident enrolled in the UC San Diego Health Pharmacy Resident Program.

Volunteer Appointment Process

VPN Access to Library Resources

Once you have a UC San Diego username and password, you will be able to access online resources from off campus. You will be using the Virtual Private Network (VPN), also described at the link below. It involves downloading a client to your computer, which you can turn on and off. When you open the client, enter the username and password. When you try to access a licensed resource you won’t be prompted to enter that information again, as long as the VPN is on. The instructions at the link below describe the best option for setting up off campus access.Once you have a UC San Diego username and password, you will be able to access online resources from off campus. You will be using the Virtual Private Network (VPN), also described at the link below. It involves downloading a client to your computer, which you can turn on and off. When you open the client, enter the username and password. When you try to access a licensed resource you won’t be prompted to enter that information again, as long as the VPN is on. 

The instructions at the link below describe the best option for setting up off campus access. 

You will find many useful resources at our Medicine Resources Guide: http://ucsd.libguides.com/medicine

Our “Online Clinical Library” (https://libraries.ucsd.edu/clinlib/ ) is a great link to use that pulls together our more clinically-oriented databases, including some excellent drug information databases such as Clinical Pharmacology, Micromedex and Natural Medicines. Here is a link to the many options available for mobile access: http://ucsd.libguides.com/bmlmobile

If the VPN doesn’t work at your work location, please try at home as well. That way we’ll be able to tell if you have a firewall issue; there is a workaround that usually helps if that is the case.

If you have additional questions regarding library resources please contact Penny Coppernoll-Blach, Biomedical Reference Librarian at pblach@ucsd.edu

Resetting Passwords for VPN Access to the UC San Diego Library

If you already have VPN access to the UC San Diego library system and you are not able to login you may need to reset your password. (Typically this occurs due to “lack of use” over 30 days.) 

For assistance please contact the UC San Diego Health Sciences Information Services (HSIS) Help Desk at 619.543.HELP (4357). They are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you know your username, please provide it to HSIS (this will speed up the process). 

HSIS will ask you several questions to confirm you are affiliated with UC San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. They will then reset your password.

Preceptor Reimbursements

Preceptors with an affiliate or voluntary appointment may be eligible to receive some reimbursement for professional pharmacy conference/meeting registration or printing of a professional poster presented at a meeting.  Note: This is not applicable to a UC San Diego pharmacy resident, as they receive support via the UC San Diego Health Pharmacy Resident Program.

Conference Registration

Meeting Registration Fee Guidelines        Registration Reimbursement Form

Presentation Templates

Preceptor Presentation Template 1
Preceptor Presentation Template 2
Preceptor Presentation Template 3