This article was submitted by the Vietnamese Pharmacists Association - USA
Ever since its formation 44 years ago, the Tết Lunar New Year Celebration of Vietnamese Pharmacists Association - USA (VPhA-USA) is a much-awaited event for pharmacists in Southern California. This year the event drew a vibrant participation of 320 people including colleagues, California Pharmacists Association (CPhA) leaders, California chapter presidents, deans and faculty of Schools of Pharmacy, industry partners, family and friends.
According to the Zodiac, the Dragon of this year embodies strength, wisdom, and prosperity, qualities that befit VPhA-USA as leadership is transferred to the younger generation, with new president Dr. Tam Phan succeeding to Dr. Binh Tran. Dean Brookie Best of Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at UC San Diego attended the event with faculty member Dr. Jennifer Lê and students Jonathan Nguyễn and Jennifer Lê, who both received scholarship Awards from VPhA-USA.
Mrs. Penny Adler was accompanied by daughter Laura to remind us of former Dr. David Adler whose passing in November 2023 left cherished memories in all of VPhA-USA members.
Dr. Kevin Komoto, CPhA president-elect, gave an excellent speech, calling on the collaboration of all members to support great bills crafted to benefit pharmacists working at all settings. Next to him were copies of "Who is my pharmacist?," a coloring book written by Dr. Danielle Colayco; the book showcases the activities of pharmacists working as medications and vaccinations specialists and was translated in several languages. The Vietnamese edition will be distributed at health fairs and educational events in the community.
In the entertainment program, cultural dances as well as line dance mingled groups together, with an extraordinary energetic duo dancing by two student pharmacists.