Health Sciences Clinical Professor
Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Human Resources
Lydia Heidt (formerly Napa)
Greg Marciel
(858) 822-7866
Fund Management
Keri Ramos
Dr. Humber is currently a faculty preceptor at UC San Diego’s Sulpizio Cardiovascular Center teaching pharmacy students and residents in the acute care setting. His primary research interests include investigations into novel antiplatelet therapies utilizing genetic and point-of- care testing to characterize or predict cardiovascular endpoints. Other research interests include examinations into the management of acute coronary syndromes, new and emerging antithrombotic agents, and investigations into the prevention and treatment of venous thromboembolism. Dr. Humber joined the faculty at UC San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in July 2011.
Education: B.A. Pharmacology, (1992); University of California, Santa Barbara; Pharm.D., University of California, San Francisco (1996); ASHP 2-year Pharmacy Practice Residency, University of California, San Diego Medical Center (1998); UC San Diego Healthcare Supervisor’s Academy (2007).
Awards and Honors: Faculty of the Year Award, SSPPS Class of 2015 (2014); Preceptor of the Year Award, UC San Diego Pharmacy Practice Residency Program (2002); Volunteer Faculty Member of the Year Award, SSPPS Associated Student Body (2007). Team Approaches in Quality Improvement Award. Presented by Society of Hospital Medicine for UC San Diego’s work on VTE prevention protocol (2008)
Leadership Experience: Chair, Comprehensive Exam Committee, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2016-present); Pharmacist Administrator, Continuing Education Program, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2012-present); Chair, SSPPS APPE / IPPE Course Committee (2018 – 2021); Director, PGY2 Pharmacy Residency in Critical Care, UC San Diego Pharmacy Department (2004-2009); Chair, Anticoagulation Committee, UC San Diego Medical Center (2006-2011); Chair, Clinical Council, UC San Diego Pharmacy Department (2008-2011); Chair, Emergency Department and Pharmacy Taskforce, UC San Diego Medical Center (2009-2011); Co-Chair, Anticoagulation Committee, UC San Diego Medical Center (2011-2014).
- Ischemic Heart Disease / Acute MI, Arrhythmias, Anticoagulation, Peripheral Artery Disease, and Stroke (SPPS 212B)
- Co-chair Pharmacy Therapeutics (SPPS 212B)
- APPE Acute Care – Cardiology (SPPS 400 A/B)
- APPE Acute Care – Cardiovascular ICU (SPPS 400 A/B)
- Worked in conjunction with a select panel of experts and the Society of Hospital Medicine to develop an Acute Coronary Syndrome Performance Improvement CME (PI-CME) program
- Co-developed and implemented UC San Diego Medical center guidelines on the safe and effective Inpatient initiation of the novel oral anticoagulants
- Solidified the role of the pharmacist on a multidisciplinary ST-Elevation-MI response team at UC San Diego Medical Center.
- Streamlined abciximab and eptifibatide dosing protocols and co-developed an algorithm for the use of tenecteplase for ST-Elevation-MI patients at UC San Diego Medical Center.
- Co-developed factor IX treatment guidelines for the Electrophysiology Lab when performing on-warfarin catheter ablations at UC San Diego Medical Center.
- Developed direct oral anticoagulant reversal algorithm for the Electrophysiology Lab.
- Developed UC San Diego Medical Center treatment algorithms for the safe use of ibutilide, dofetilide, and intravenous sotalol.
- Co-developed and implemented protocols for the use of therapeutic heparin, argatroban, bivalirudin, and warfarin at UC San Diego Health Sciences.
- Humber et al. (2007). Clinical pharmacology review. In, Wilson WC, Grande CM, Hoyt DB, eds. Trauma: critical care, volume 2; New York. CRC Press.
- Humber et al. (2010). Anticoagulation in the Cardiology Patient. Audio-Digest – Emergency Medicine. May 21, 2010:27(10). ISSN 0748-8947
- Maynard G et al. (2011) Optimizing Inpatient Anticoagulation: Strategies for Quality Improvement. Chapter 16 in: Fang M, editor. Inpatient Anticoagulation. Wiley-Blackwell. 377-414.
- Humber DM. (2013). Antiplatelet Agents in the setting of ACS: Specific Characteristics to Guide Therapy. Audio- Digest – General Surgery. 60(16). ISSN 1047-6954
- Jenkins I. et al. (2013). Nonheparin anticoagulants for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. N Engl J Med. 13;368(24):2333.
- Maynard G, (2014) Multidisciplinary initiative to improve inpatient anticoagulation and management of venous thromboembolism. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 71:305-310.
- Villaneueva T, Gurunathan R, Humber D, Liberman J, and Pollack CV. (2015) A Guide for Effective Quality Improvement: Improving Acute Coronary Syndrome Care for Hospitalized Patients. 2nd edition. Society of Hospital Medicine.
- Humber DM. (2015) Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS). In, Shapiro K and Brown SA, editors. Rx Prep Course Book. Rx Prep, Inc. 729-738.
- Nguyen, H, Humber D, Checkoway H, Blanchard D, and Watanabe J. (2018) Anticoagulant Use in High Stroke-Risk Patients with Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation. The Consultant Pharmacist. 33(9):521-530.
- Girgis A, Golts E, Humber D, and Banks D. (2019). Successful Use of Cangrelor and Heparin for Cardiopulmonary Bypass in a Patient with Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia and End-Stage Renal Disease: A Case Report. A&A Practice. 13(1):10-12.
- 20+ years of clinical pharmacy experience with an emphasis in cardiology, anticoagulation, and critical care
- Examinations into the management of acute coronary syndromes
- Investigations into antiplatelet and antithrombotic medicines utilizing genetic and point-of-care testing to characterize or predict cardiovascular endpoints