“We strive to graduate not only academically competent, but well-rounded pharmacists with an eagerness to expand their academic knowledge.”
UC San Diego offers a wide array of graduate student organizations including academic and non-academic organizations. UC San Diego has over 100 academic and professional programs, and our hope is that our students become a part of the UC San Diego community as a whole.
In accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, the University of California does not discriminate, or grant preferences, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and/or other protected categories. More information about Proposition 209 can be found here. More information about the University of California Anti-Discrimination Policy can be found here.
Check out the UC San Diego Graduate Life website for additional information about news, events, and organizations to get involved!
Graduate Student Association (GSA): The Graduate Student Association (GSA) exists to advocate for the rights and interests of our diverse community, to provide for the enjoyment of social, cultural, and service-oriented events, and for the betterment of academic and non-academic life of all graduate and professional students at UC San Diego. For more information contact: contact@gsa.ucsd.edu.
List of Graduate Student Organizations
Adult Thought Argentine Tango Club Association of Indian Graduate Students Bio-Education and Art for Science Innovation (BioEASI) Biofuels Action and Awareness Network (BAAN) Entrepreneur Challenge Environmental Science and Policy (ESP) Grad Parent Network Graduate Christian Fellowship Graduate Students of Color Coalition Graduate Women in Science and Engineering (GradWISE) Hellenic Students' Association at UC San Diego Iranian Graduate Students Association |
Jewish Professional Student Organization (JPSO) Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Korean Graduate Student Association (KGSA) Language, Interaction, the Mind, and the Body (LIMB) Latin America Student Organization (LASO) The Queer Graduate Student Association Raza Grad Student Association SCOPE Southeast Asia Link (SEAL) UC San Diego Chinese Fellowship Women and Minorities in Science YES! Club |